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Still called an internal condom, the female condom is like the male condom an excellent means of contraception. Moreover, it plays several important roles for the woman. So what is there to know about the female condom?
Female condom: what is it?
The female condom looks like a kind of sheath with a flexible ring at each of its different ends. To place it, it must be positioned like a tube inside the vagina. Made from polyurethane, the inner condom is extremely thin but much stronger than the male condom. Moreover, it is with a single use.
Its effectiveness
Theoretically, when used correctly, the female condom is 95% effective in preventing pregnancy. However, if one takes into account the errors of use and the problem of installation, the effectiveness of the internal condom can be reduced to approximately 75 %, practical effectiveness. To know how to use a condom perfectly, don’t hesitate to practice beforehand.
That way, you’ll understand how to put it on, what position to put it in for comfort and how to remove it properly. Moreover, for more efficiency, you can combine the female condom with another means of contraception such as the pill or spermicides. This way, if an accident occurs, you will still be protected from unwanted pregnancy.
Using a female condom
Putting on an internal condom may seem complicated at first, but after several tries, you will realize that it is not complicated at all. To put it on, start by taking the condom out of its packaging without damaging it, hold the smallest ring between your thumb and forefinger, and insert it deep into your vagina. However, you must be careful not to pull the outer ring into your vagina. It is important that you make sure that the male sex goes into the device and not next to it.